PE Welding

About the product
Pipes are situated in both clamping jaws (mobile and fixed) of the welding machine. After necessary adjustments, clamps are fastened.
A trimmer is positioned between two pipe interfaces to clean and soften the edges and then removed.
Position a hot plate with controlled temperature of 210-220 ˚c between the pipes to join their edges while the pressure is raised -according to welding instructions- to make an even bead all around the outer diameter of pipes.
Decrease the pressure to melt the inner layers of jointing area thoroughly.
Remove the heater plate carefully -unclamping the pipes – leaving pipes undamaged.
Fuse two ends of pipes rapidly and increase pressure gradually and hold it till cooling the welding area.
Cooling period depends on pipe thickness. Joint area should not be under any uncontrolled excessive pressure.
The edge of molten surface should be as a two piece bulge which implies an even welding process.
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