Beast and Beauty EMS - Tehran

Beast and Beauty EMSBeast and Beauty EMSBeast and Beauty EMSBeast and Beauty EMS
  • Verified
Company name
Beast and Beauty EMS
Shariati Street-opposite to Kourosh Park-One way street Kaveh 11, Tehran, Iran
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Establishment year 2016
Employees 1-5
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Doctors and ClinicsSports Injury ClinicsMassage TherapistsSports Massage
EMS Training Tehran
EMS Training Iran
Ems training vest
EMS Training device
EMS Training
Company description
"EMS training, also known as electronic muscle stimulation, is a type of exercise that uses electric currents to stimulate muscle contractions. It is a popular fitness and rehabilitation method that has been gaining widespread attention in recent years.

Our company specializes in the sale of EMS devices and accessories, which are designed to help individuals improve their physical fitness, rehabilitation, and overall well-being. EMS training can be used to target specific muscle groups or to provide a full-body workout, depending on the individual's needs and goals.

During an EMS training session, a trainer will apply electrodes to the skin, which send electric currents to the underlying muscles. These currents stimulate the muscles to contract, creating a workout that is similar to  
Show more traditional resistance training. However, EMS training has several benefits that make it an attractive option for many people.

First, EMS training is highly efficient, requiring only 20-30 minutes of training time per session. This makes it a convenient option for busy individuals who don't have a lot of time to devote to traditional exercise.

Second, EMS training is gentle on the joints, making it a good option for individuals with injuries or chronic pain.

Finally, EMS training has been shown to be effective in improving muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility, making it a valuable tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all levels.

At our company, we offer a wide range of EMS devices and accessories to meet the needs of our clients. Whether you are looking to improve your physical fitness, rehabilitation, or overall well-being, we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals. Thank you for choosing us as your EMS provider."
Products & Services (3)
  • Beast and Beauty EMS Device "Our EMS device is a versatile and effective tool for improving physical fitness, medical treatment,...
  • Beast and Beauty EMS Vest"Our EMS vest is a innovative and effective tool for improving physical fitness, medical treatment, ...
  • EMS DEVICE 2.0"Our EMS device is a versatile and effective tool for improving physical fitness, medical treatment,...


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